Girls Community Schools

Giving Access to "Out of School Children" in remote areas of the Province

Education Support Scheme

Under the scheme "Out of School Children" are enrolled in the low-cost private schools

New Schools Initiative

Provide access to quality education in the areas where public and private schools do not exist



Who are we?

Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (ESEF) is an autonomous body established under β€œKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation Ordinance No. XXX of 2002”.

About us

Latest News & Updates

Search & Scrutiny Committee .2025 A meeting of " Search & Scrutiny Committee " was held last week to scrutinize the recommendations of the Sub-committee at ESEF head office to examine and finalize the long-awaited liabilities of claims of partner schools123 as per criteria and concept notes under the chairmanship of MD-ESEF ( Mr Khawaja... See more


CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR EDUCATION .. As per directions of Managing Director, Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) the International Day for Education was celebrated with great zeal accross the province. To commemorate the day, besides other events, a lecture discussion on the topic of *"Importance of education in effective use of artificial intelligence, preserving human... See more


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. MD - ESEF ( Mr.Khawaja Faheem Sajjad ) held meeting with Directors and Deputy Directors of all wings to discuss issues of Administrative and Financial Management for better service delivery. See more


MD- ESEF ( Mr.Khawaja Faheem Sajjad ) chaired a meeting regarding finalizing of " Monitoring Proforma ". MD- ESEF ( Mr.Khawaja Faheem Sajjad ) chaired a meeting regarding finalizing of " Monitoring Proforma " developed by joint brain-storming for meaningful monitoring of " ALP Centres For Primary , Middle and Middle-Tech " attended by Directors and staff of Monitoring & Program wings of ESEF.The Managing Director directed... See more



Mr. Faisal Khan Tarakai

Minister for Elementary & Secondary Education KP

Despite tremendous efforts by our government, we still have many areas where school facilities are not available, especially for females. Elementary and Secondary Education Foundation is a blessing for these marginalized communities as we can reach β€˜Out of School’ kids through GCS, ESS of the Foundation. We are trying to make the process more transparent and hopefully, we will achieve our targets Inshallah.

Mr. Masood Ahmad

Secretary E&SE Department

ESEF is an autonomous body with the mandate of contributing in Non – Formal education. In spite of running some 35000 formal government schools in KP, we still have areas where there is no facility of government school in one Km radius which make it almost impossible, specially, for girls to reach any education facility. This is here that Elementary and secondary education Foundation plays its role and we hope that it will address such β€˜critical area’ effectively to reduce β€˜out of school children’.

Mr. Khawaja Faheem Sajjad

Managing Director, ESEF

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you here. The main objective of the website is to enhance service delivery and quick response to the public. It will help the public, partners, teachers, students, and other stakeholders in getting information at their doorsteps.

Girls Community Schools (GCS)

The Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation establishes Girls Community Schools to serve β€œout-of-schools” children belonging to families lacking access to educational opportunities. These schools are established in those areas where government is not providing schooling facility.



Total Girls

Total Boys

Total Enrollment

Education Support Scheme (ESS)

The Education Support Scheme is a special initiative of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the objective of enrolling β€œout-of-school” children (OOSC) falling in the age bracket of 4-16. The scheme is for the areas where government is not providing schooling facility.

Partner Schools

Total Girls

Total Boys

Total Enrollment

New School Initiative (NSI)

The New School Initiative Scheme is a special initiative of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the objective of enrolling β€œout-of-school” children (OOSC) falling in the age bracket of 4-16. The scheme is for the areas where government is not providing schooling facility.

Partner Schools

Total Girls

Total Boys

Total Enrollment

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